
Christine Aspinall

Christine Aspinall

Centre Manager

Christine has been at St John’s Centre for over 40 years, since it began, starting as a volunteer before becoming a paid member of staff. She manages all aspects of the centre’s work and oversees the Old Trafford Community Collective, a group of voluntary organisations working to benefit the Old Trafford area. She is also an active member of the wider Trafford Community Collective and leads the partnerships with a range of organisations locally. She is a mother with two grown up children and seven grandchildren. Christine is also Associate Priest of St John’s Church and loves to sing with the Shylarks Harmony Singing group.

[email protected]

Emma Wilton

Emma Wilton

Learning Coordinator

Emma started as a volunteer at the Centre in 2007, and has been employed as Learning Coordinator since 2009. As well as organising our courses and learners, she writes most of our grant applications and looks after our website and social media. When she’s not working, she likes gardening, making cocktails, and campaigning for better walking and cycling facilities as part of WalkRide Greater Manchester.

[email protected]

Claire Trivino

Claire Trivino

Volunteer Coordinator

Claire’s job is to find roles for volunteers, welcome them and nurture their development. She takes an active involvement in all the volunteer-led projects and fundraisers for the centre. She loves meeting and working with the diversity of people who use the centre and volunteer here. Claire has lived in Old Trafford for 16 years with her husband and 2 children. During these years, Claire has performed in a number of pantos and attended many events at St John’s.

[email protected]

Diane Browne

Diane Browne

Centre Administrator and Bookings Manager

Diane is responsible for all aspects of centre administration, including welcoming people, and taking bookings for room hirings and the main hall hire. She also offers a warm and friendly to welcome to people arriving at the centre for different activities or events or looking for particular help.

[email protected]


Lizzie Quinn

Lizzie Quinn

Hub Coordinator

Lizzie coordinates our Community Hub, which responds to people in the community needing support, working alongside Jane and regular volunteers. She manages the emergency food response, energy support scheme and signposts people to other sources of support. She also trains up our regular volunteers who help out with administration tasks related to the hub work.

[email protected]


Jane Gaffey

Jane Gaffey

Hub Coordinator

Jane started off as a volunteer with St John’s Centre in the pandemic, helping people during a time of crisis. She now works in the hub, mainly signposting, helping people with online tasks and making sure they get the help they need. Jane’s background is in retails merchandising so she’s partial to a pie chart and pivot table which comes in handly with the reporting element of the work! You may see Jane pounding the pavements of Old Trafford in the morning trying to get fit, or falling over in a yoga class!

[email protected]

Laura Gilchrist

Laura Gilchrist

Organisational Development Lead (temporary)

Laura has been employed part-time since February 2023 to help make the funding and future of the centre more sustainable. Laura has a background in coaching, conflict mediation and training development and ran a consultancy business for 12 years. Prior to this, she set up and ran a small charity for several years. Alongside her work at the centre, Laura offers 121 leadership and health coaching. She lives in Old Trafford with her husband and two children and in her spare time she loves to grow food on her allotment and watch her children play football.

[email protected]


Safina Ahmed

Safina Ahmed

Cleaner and Buildings Maintenance

Safina started off as a volunteer and is now our regular cleaner. She also has a general oversight of many aspects of building maintenance.