Job Club

Are you looking for work?

Come and attend our Job Club, every Thursday from 10am – 12pm.

There will be no Job Club on August 1st, 8th or 15th 2024 due to staff holidays

You can get support with:

  • Searching and applying for jobs
  • Accessing job opportunities across Trafford and beyond
  • Finding and applying for apprenticeships
  • Developing your CV
  • Preparing for your next interview
  • Support with job applications and cover letters
  • Using social media to help find work
  • Training and education opportunities
  • Information on digital support

You don’t need to make an appointment – just drop in, have a cuppa and speak to our friendly staff and volunteers.

For full information, please email [email protected] or call Alan on 07977 717 239. You can also find further details on our website