
We have three Yoga classes at the Centre – find the right one for you:


Ignite Yoga

Join our mixed evening Yoga class with Marie – Beginner/intermediate level

Mondays 8.30-9.30pm:  £5 per session

For more information, contact Marie on 07540912958.


Yoga with Jo

Sunrise Yoga (Ashtanga Vinyasa Style) 6.45-7.30am Tuesdays and Thursdays

A 45min practice with key elements taken from Ashtanga Vinyasa.

£24 for 4 sessions

£7 drop in


Please contact: Jojo Crago 07887 920 915


Sunday Yoga (Ashtanga Vinyasa – easier pace) 10-11am

£5 per session drop in – 50% off all prices for your teens and tweens

Bring your own mat – wear comfy clothes to move and bring a warm layer or blanket for relaxation.

To book your place and for more info please contact Jo Crago 07887 920915 or email [email protected]


Yoga for Wellbeing 

This course is now FULLY BOOKED.

Contact Jane Bartholomew on 07519 642 684 or [email protected] to find out more.

A free 10-week Yoga course open to Trafford residents who either:

  • are at risk of Type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular (heart or lung) disease;
  • have stress, anxiety or mild/moderate depression; or
  • are suffering from social isolation.